Photoshoot Procedure:
Indoor photoshoots MUST be scheduled in advance. Contact us for booking at
- The fee for an indoor shoot is $350; you are permitted to take photos both indoors and outdoors, and can use the space for up to two hours.
- For Bridal Party photoshoots if you have not booked your wedding at the Castle, the cost is $500
- If you have booked your wedding with us here at the Castle, and would like to have a wedding photo shoot on a different day, the cost is $200
Outdoor photoshoots on the grounds MUST be scheduled in advance. Contact us for booking at
- Any outdoor photoshoots taken with anything other than a cell phone camera require a fee of $100 to be paid in advance. You will not have access to any part of the inside of the Castle, no restrooms and no dressing rooms will be available- plan accordingly!
Bridal Party photoshoots on the grounds, when the wedding is NOT booked at the Castle, will require a fee of $250. You will not have access to any part of the inside of the Castle, no restrooms and no dressing rooms will be available- plan accordingly!
During peak seasons we receive a high volume of requests and only allow a certain number of photoshoots on any given day, so all photoshoot appointments are based on availability.
Please note: When a Castle or Rental event is in progress, and an unscheduled photoshoot group arrives on the grounds, you will be asked to leave.
To schedule either an indoor or outdoor photoshoot, please contact Elena Tomasello at or 402.595.2199.
S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
30 | Jul 31 | Aug 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6:00 pm
This Old Castle: Tips and Tricks on Researching the History of Your Older Property
1:00 pm
Thursday Tour
10:30 am
Public Tour
10:00 am
Open Omaha
12:30 pm
Public Tour
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
10:00 am
Open Omaha
10:30 am
Monday Tours
1:00 pm
Thursday Tour
10:30 am
Public Tour
12:30 pm
Monday Tours
5:30 pm
An Evening with Lila Johnson
12:30 pm
Public Tour
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Aug 31 | Sep 1 | 2 |
12:30 pm
Public Tour
10:30 am
Monday Tours
1:00 pm
Thursday Tour
2:30 pm
Public Tour
12:30 pm
Monday Tours