Bauhaus Bacchanal
Back by popular demand - Goth Night at Joslyn Castle, part deux!
In conjunction with our Giulio Cesare, "Baroque Entanglements," art show, we invite you to take inspiration from Ceasar's Roman parties, but make it goth! The Bauhaus school was known for modernist geometric designs and fantastical costumes. Dust off your toga or build a futuristic Bauhaus ball ensemble! There are many interpretations to be had, come dressed to impress!
The sonic delights of DJ Cemetery Gates will set the tone as you explore our dark, labyrinthine Castle, enjoy inspired drinks for purchase at our themed bar, and let your goth dreams come true in our unique historic setting.
This is a 21 and over event that will begin at 9 pm and carry on until 1 am.

Although the Bauhaus is associated with minimalist design, students and teachers invested an unsuspected amount of energy in creating surreal costumes for parties, as reported by Farkas Molnar in his 1925 essay, "Life at the Bauhaus." The parties began as improvised events but were later turned into large-scale productions, such as Oskar Schlemmer's "Triadic Ballet" from 1922.